about the artist

Melindria was born and raised in New York City and has painted since childhood. She graduated with a B.A. degree in Art History from the University of Wisconsin (Madison campus). While there, she enrolled in sculpture and drawing courses and after returning to the City continued studying sculpture at Hunter College, and drawing and watercolor in private classes.

The artist has been exhibiting publicly since 1978. Her work has  been accepted into juried group exhibitions in NYC as well as in NY State, the New England states and Canada. She has exhibited solo throughout New England and most recently in the Province of New Brunswick, Canada.

Melindria draws her inspiration from her surroundings. The urban settings and rural landscapes which have touched her life are often the subject of her art. While living in NYC’s Tribeca neighborhood she was drawn to the vitality and diversity of its architectural structures and they became an integral part of her creative process. Since leaving there, the sea and landscapes of the New England states, Québec, and the Maritime and Atlantic Provinces of Canada have defined her art.

Melindria’s artistic expression ranges from realism to the abstract. Her preferred mediums are watercolor, dry and oil pastel, colored pencil, India ink, charcoal and graphite. All her drawings and paintings are created on 100% cotton paper of varied texture and hue.

Visitors’ comments and questions are welcomed by the artist. Please communicate with Melindria by clicking on the link.